42nd Ordinary Session of ACERWC

42nd Ordinary Session of ACERWC

32nd session

The Committee holds two ordinary sessions each year. The duration of the session varies in each case from 10 to 15 days depending on needs and finance. The Secretary of the African Commission must communicate to the members the date and venue of the ordinary session at least 60 days ahead of the session.

The 42nd Ordinary Session of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) is fast approaching, and it promises to be a pivotal event in the ongoing quest to safeguard and advance children's rights across the African continent. Scheduled to be held from 08th - 17th November 2023, this session will cover an array of crucial topics and reports.  Let's take a closer look at the highlights of this highly anticipated event.

Consideration of Periodic Reports

  • The Periodic Report of Chad.

  • The Periodic Report of Mozambique 

  • The Periodic Report of Senegal. 

  • CSO Complementary Reports: The session will feature the consideration of Civil Society Organizations' (CSOs) complementary reports on the periodic reports of Niger, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda. 

The Committee will consider Communications

  • Hearing on Communication No: 0017/Com/001/2021 -Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network, Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa and Center for Human Rights (On Behalf of Children Affected by Witchcraft Accusations in Nigeria) against the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
  • Communication No: 0020/Com/002/2022- Lawyers Associated for Human Rights in Africa (on behalf of Children of Jehovah’s Witnesses) against the State of Eritrea
  • Communication No:0023/Com/005/2022 IHRDA and Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria (On Behalf of Children in Nigeria) against the Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • Communication No 0024/Com/001/2023- IHRDA Vs Botswana 
  • Hearing on Communication No: 0021/Com/003/2022-People Serving Girls at Risk and Equality Now (on behalf of Esnart Kenesi) against the Republic of Malawi
  • Hearing on Communication No: 0022/Com/004/2022-Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) against the Republic of Burundi


Presentation and Discussion on Critical Topics

  • Impact of Climate Change in Africa:

  • African Union Child Safeguarding Policy focus on the development of a comprehensive policy to ensure children's safety and protection in various contexts.

  • Draft General Comment on the Right to Education

  • Presentation by HHS on Holistic Childhood Development

Launch of ACERWC Initiatives

  • ACERWC’s Study on Children without Parental Care

  • Launch of the Joint General Comment on FGM


The 42nd Ordinary Session of ACERWC promises to be a pivotal moment in the ongoing journey to protect and advance children's rights in Africa. With the consideration of periodic and complementary reports, discussions on critical topics, and the launch of essential initiatives and general comments, this session reaffirms the organization's dedication to the cause of safeguarding the rights and welfare of children across the African continent. We look forward to the outcomes and impact of this significant event.

Register for the 42nd Ordinary Session here:


oct 12 2023