Mozambique-National Human Rights Commission (CNDH)

Agency/Organization Name
National Human Rights Commission (CNDH)
Member State
Child Rights Structures

The Commission has a Commissioner for Gender, Children and Disability. It has also established a focal point at the Secretariat that is responsible for children’s rights.

Budget for Children Rights

No specific budget for children’s rights. Part of the children’s rights work is supported by cooperation partners like Save the Children International.

Engagement with ACERWC

The Commission indicated that currently, it has not realised any activity with the ACERWC.

Engagement with Line Ministries and National Law Enforcement Agencies

In Mozambique, the HRC closely collaborates with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Health to provide psychological assistance to children in conflict situations in Cabo Delgado Province. The HRC has also signed MOUs with the Ministry of Education for the implementation of Children’s Rights through Human Rights Clubs, and with the Attorney General’s Office for the prosecution of all crimes against children.

Engagement with NANHRI
  • A member of NANHRI
  • The Commission has participated almost in all activities of NANHRI
  • Received support from NANHRI for the accreditation process with GANHRI
Engagement of Children

The HRC has regular interaction with Child Parliamentarians for the dissemination of the Law to Prevent and Combat Premature Unions. It has held workshops with government institutions and CSOs to promote children’s rights with the participation of Child Parliamentarians.

Collaboration with Child Focused Agencies
  • In Mozambique, the HRC closely collaborates with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Health to provide psychological assistance to children in conflict situations in Cabo Delgado Province. The HRC has also signed MOUs with the Ministry of Education for the implementation of Children’s Rights through Human Rights Clubs, and with the Attorney General’s Office for the prosecution of all crimes against children.
Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights

The Commission has been promoting the Charter by advocating for domestication of the ACRWC into National Legislation and disseminating the ACRWC through awareness  campaigns. The HRC however indicated that it is not familiar with Agenda 2040.