The Commission has designated a specific child rights focal person.
No specific budget
The Commission has an affiliate status before the Committee and engages with the Committee through the submission of information/ reports to inform it of Kenya’s implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. In August 2020, the Commission submitted its alternative report on Kenya’s implementation of the Charter to inform Kenya’s review by the African Committee. The Commission also attended the Committee’s virtual review of Kenya’s second and third State Party report on the ACRWC during its 35th Ordinary Session.
In Kenya, the Commission has partnerships with various key stakeholders. These include complaints handling referral partners; membership in key government platforms like the National Council for Administration of Justice (NCAJ), Taskforce on children matters, Taskforce on alternative justice system, the National Legal Aid Board and the National Council for Children’s Services. The Commission also plays a crucial role in advising entities such as the Office of the Director for Public Prosecution, the Cabinet Secretary in charge of counter trafficking, the Witness Protection Agency and the Independent Policing Oversight Authority, among others. In addition, the Commission has collaborated with the Ministry of Education by conducting a survey to examine the implementation of human rights education in policy and practice across several counties in Kenya
- The Commission is a member of NANHRI and engages with the NANHRI through joint capacitybuilding trainings on different human rights thematic areas; and seminars.
- The KNCHR is also a member of the NANHRI’s Working Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Agenda 2063.
The Commission sought children’s views during the review of the CompetencyBased Curriculum. The Commission invites children to its public forums to create awareness on different human rights thematic issues.
- Signed a memorandum of understanding with the Council of Governors, academia, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, Kenya School of Government, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and other key institutions to enhance realization of children rights and general human rights.
The Commission in Kenya promotes the African Charter by receiving and carrying out investigations on complaints of child rights violations; securing appropriate redress for child rights violations; promoting economic, social and cultural rights of children; conducting research on child rights issues; monitoring compliance of the State with international and regional treaties; advocating for institutional reforms; and conducting public awareness and capacity building for Government actors. Moreover, the Commission is implementing Africa’s Agenda 2040 by reviewing and advocating for laws that better protect and promote children’s rights and their implementation; advocating for the economic, social and cultural rights of children; receiving and carrying out investigations on complaints of child rights violations; securing appropriate redress for child rights violations; and conducting research to inform interventions on child rights issues. The Commission has reviewed and issued advisories on several bills that impact on children’s rights. One notable engagement is the review of the 2001 Children’s Act which was replaced by the Children’s Act, 2022.