The Ombudsman has The Children’s Advocate which is established by the Child Care and Protection (CCP) Act.
No specific budget for children’s rights.
The Ombudsman pledged to apply for affiliate status within the next two years.
In Namibia, the Children’s Advocate is the Deputy Chairperson of the National Advisory Council on Children, which comprises of the Executive Directors of all the Ministries, Agencies and offices responsible for providing services to children. This is quite a commendable approach as it enhances the visibility and influence of the Ombudsman’s Office, allowing it to simultaneously engage with multiple line Ministries.
- Member of NANHRI
- Currently seeking support from NANHRI to get the Ombudsman’s Office compliant with the Paris Principles
- Participates in NANHRI events and provides information on request.
Whenever special projects aimed at public education and awareness-raising involve children’s rights, the NHRI always aims to include child participation in some form. For instance, the NHRI asks schools to participate in poem or essay writing competitions, and to have children as moderators during the events, etc.
- Partners with NGO’s and Ministries who provide services to children on a regular basis.
- Established partnership with Planned Parenthood to engage school children on sexual and reproductive health rights.
The Children’s Advocate in the Office of the Ombudsman, established by the Child Care and Protection (CCP) Act, responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Child Protection Act 3 of 2015, the ACRWC and the CRC, as well as any other international and regional instruments relating to children which are binding on Namibia. Currently, the NHRI is not doing any work that is specifically geared towards the implementation of Africa’s agenda 2040 for Children. However, generally the Children’s Advocate has the below mandate;
a) receiving and investigating complaints, from any source, including a child, concerning children’s rights
b) monitoring the implementation of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and any other international instruments relating to child protection which are binding on Namibia;
c) monitoring the implementation of the CCP Act and any other law pertaining to children;
d) furthering the interests of children by bringing proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction as contemplated in section 5(1)(a)(ii)(dd) of the Ombudsman Act, 1990 (Act No. 7 of 1990) and
e) raising awareness throughout Namibia on the CCP Act and the protection of children generally.