- In 2006, CHRAGG established a Children’s Desk to promote and protect children’s rights.
- No specific budget for children’s rights. Mostly, activities implemented depend on specific funding from government and development partners such as UNICEF and UNDP.
- The Commission attends various sessions and trainings organised by the ACERWC, and it collaborates with other stakeholders (government and CSOs) during the development of State Party reports to the ACEWRC and to respond to the list of issues from the country report on the implementation of the ACRWC.
- Member of NANHRI .
- Participates in meetings, workshops, trainings on various thematic areas and studies conducted by NANHRI.
- CHRAGG engages children through human rights clubs and commemoration of the Day of the African Child. Children are empowered with the knowledge of human rights and their rights in particular, which they go on to educate others and the community. They are also equiped to report violations of their rights.
- CHRAGG has been working closely with UNICEF, UNDP and Tanzania Child Rights Forum to protect and promote child rights in the country
- CHRAGG has been working jointly with key stakeholders such as Ministries, government departments, CSOs and other organizations responsible for child rights to promote and protect the rights enshrined in the ACRWC. It promotes and protects the ACRWC and Agenda 2040 49 for children through established human rights clubs; commemoration of the Day of the African Child, assessing the situation of children in detention facilities, and investigating children’s complaints.
In addition, the Children’s Desk within the Commission is mandated to,
a. Spearhead advocacy on protecting children.
b. Provide suggestions on how to mainstream children’s issues, including most vulnerable children, in related activities of the Commission, e.g., in research work, investigations, public education, public enquiries, training and in law review.
c. Create a central or focal point for children’s rights and issues within the Commission and be able to provide the required attention.
d. Demonstrate the required commitment on children’s rights and create a team of persons who will form a think tank and who will send the required signals to the departments;
e. Identify gaps in CHRAGG Programmes as they relate to children’s rights.
f. Co-operate with both National and International Institutions dealing with children’s rights.