Uganda-Human Rights Commission (UHRC)

Agency/Organization Name
Human Rights Commission (UHRC)
Member State
Child Rights Structures

The Commission has a Vulnerable Persons Unit which was established on 29th October 2004 under the Directorate of Monitoring and Inspections which deals with vulnerable groups including children.

Budget for Children Rights

UHRC commits 0.002% of its budget towards production and airing out of child friendly human rights skits, community awareness (barazas and road shows) on the rights of children and providing quick remedies to vulnerable women and children through mediation of child maintenance cases.

Engagement with ACERWC
  • Although UHRC has done a lot of work related to Children’s rights, it has not had serious engagement with the ACERWC.
  • UHRC indicated that it is not aware of the communication lodged to the ACERWC against the government of Uganda.
Engagement with Line Ministries and National Law Enforcement Agencies
  • In Uganda, the UHRC works closely with the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Judiciary, and the Governance and Security Programme (formerly known as the Justice for Children Program) under the Justice and Law and Order Sector.
Engagement with NANHRI
  • Member of NANHRI
  •  NANHRI has built the capacity of UHRC staff and the Commissioners
  • UHRC has shared best practices with NANHRI -
  • UHRC and NAHRI have jointly organised conferences, workshops, colloquiums and meetings on various human rights issues
Engagement of Children
  • The Commission engages children in carrying out sensitisation activities and involves them in the celebration of the Human Rights Day.
  • Moreover, it encourages schools to establish child rights clubs to build the capacity of children about their rights.
Collaboration with Child Focused Agencies
  • UHRC works closely with UNICEF
Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights
  • The UHRC has been advocating for the implementation of the ACRWC and its domestication into national laws.
  • Accordingly, the government of Uganda amended the ChildrenAct to provide for the rights enshrined in the Charter. It continually monitors implementation of the rights of the child in Uganda and issues statements and advisories whenever required. It has monitored and reported on child neglect and its implications on the rights of the child, the plight of street children in Uganda, the right to inclusive education, mercy killing of children with disabilities, Female Genital Mutilation and child justice among others.