The Commission has a department of children’s rights called Department on Women, Children, Vulnerable Person’s Rights and Solidarity Rights.
Currently committed a budget of 7 500 000 CFA from a total budget of 728 000 000 CFA in its Plan of Action, representing about 1.05% of the total budget of the NHRI for 2022.
The NHRI would like to submit alternative reports on children’s rights. It has also submitted an application for affiliate status before the Committee.
- Member of NANHRI
- Participates in the activities of NANHRI.
- The President of NCHR was recently elected President of the Francophone Association of National Human Rights Commissions (AFCNDH) in Africa which also participates in NAHNRI activities.
The celebrations for the international day of the rights of the child are organized with children from several associations
- Has UNICEF as a privileged partner.
- Conducts bimonthly meetings with the civil society organisations.
The NCHR’s department in charge of children’s rights uses the Charter as a key instrument for the promotion of children’s rights.
Currently, the NCHR intends to carry out:
- Sensitization activities on birth registration, prohibition of violence against children, child exploitation, child trafficking and child labor.
- An orientation workshop for Parliamentarians on their role in the implementation of children’s rights
- Advocacy on the right to health, to healthy and nutritious food, and to quality education
- Activities to popularize Agenda 2040
- Capacity building activities on children’s rights
- Conducts studies and investigations
- Review child related laws and policies
- Advise the Government on Children’s Rights