Zambia-Human Rights Commission

Agency/Organization Name
Human Rights Commission
Member State
Child Rights Structures
  • Previously, the Commission had the Office of the Commissioner for Children which focused specifically on the promotion and protection children’s rights.
  • However, the current structure is a Focal Point Person for child rights within the framework of the Legal and Investigations Department.
Budget for Children Rights
  • No specific budget allocated.
  • Funding is availed based on planned activities for child rights and partners support specific activities.
Engagement with ACERWC
  • The Commission has affiliate status before the Committee.
  • It engages in the preparation of the State Party report to the Committee and advocating for its concluding observations and recommendations to be implemented
Engagement with NANHRI
  • A member of NANHRI
  • Engages with NANHRI by participating in capacity building programme organised by the Network, submission of human rights or situation required for the preparation of position paper on specific human rights issues and providing support in the work of NANHRI
Engagement of Children
  • The Commission engages children in carrying out sensitisation activities and involves them in the celebration of the Human Rights Day.
  • Moreover, it encourages schools to establish child rights clubs to build the capacity of children about their rights.
Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights
  • The Commission in Zambia is involved in monitoring the implementation of the Charter and lobbying the State to fulfil its obligation in the Charter.
  • It also investigates violations of children’s rights, advocates for legal and policy change to domesticate the Charter, and participates in the State Party reporting processes.
  • Moreover, it engages in building the capacity of institutions on the promotion of children’s rights provided in the Charter. The Commission conducts various awareness raising programs on various issues relating to the aspirations of Agenda 2040. The Commission also has the mandate to inspect places of detention for children in conflict with the law.