Burkina Faso - National Commission for Human Rights

Agency/Organization Name
National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR)
Member State
Child Rights Structures

There is no specific structure for children’s rights, however, all the sub commissions within the Commission work on children’s rights.

Budget for Children Rights

No specific budget for child rights activities

Engagement with ACERWC

The Commission has no engagement with the Committee so far, but intends to submit alternative report to the Committee in the future. In this regard, the Commission submitted an application for affiliate status and has been granted the status by the Committee.

Engagement with Line Ministries and National Law Enforcement Agencies

The Commission in Burkina Faso collaborates with the Ministries dealing with child protection, justice, and human rights. It also works closely with Defence and Security Forces and integrates child protection issues in the trainings provided to these forces.

Engagement with NANHRI
  • Member of NANHRI
  • Collaborates with NANHRI and shares its experience through NANHRI
Engagement of Children

The Commission conducts interviews with children on matters concerning them to integrate their views in its works.

Collaboration with Child Focused Agencies

No information was provided by the NHRI

Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights

The Commission promotes the Charter in its awareness raising activities to Government authorities as well as the community. With regards to the implementation of Agenda 2040, the Commission integrates the aspirations in its activities as most of the aspirations are covered by its mandate. Specific attention is given to children’s rights during visits to places of detention, investigations, and studies. The Commission also has a complaints service for complaints on child abuse which will be examined and investigated by the relevant sub-commission. The Commission will then issue a recommendation for corrective measures.