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State Report Complimentary Report Concluding Observation Follow Up Mission Report


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Commission Nationale des Droits de l’Homme (CNDH)
  • The Commission has nine members and a General Secretariat. One of the members is an expert on rights of children. Moreover, the Secretariat has seven departments including a Directorate for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights which is administered by a Director, managing various sub-Commissions, including a subCommission on Women, Children and Vulnerable Groups Division.
  • No specific budget for children’s rights. However, activities for the promotion and protection of children’s rights are included in the overall budget of the Commission.
  • The Commission has an affiliate status before the Committee. The CNDH interacts with the ACERWC through its participation in the Committee’s awareness-raising and training activities. CNDH collaborates with the Committee’s Special Rapporteurs on thematic issues related to children’s rights.
  • Collaborates with development partners like Plan international, SOS Children’s Villages, etc .
  • UN agencies such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA
  • During the human rights education program in schools, children are involved in the formation and running of school clubs. The objective of these clubs is for children to raise awareness of their rights with their peers.
  • Member of NANHRI.
  • Involved in the planning and execution of the various programs of NANHRI .
  • Apart from NANHRI, the Commission is also a member of the Network of National Human Rights Institutions of West Africa (RINDHAO) and that of UEMOA.
  • The Commission periodically organizes sensitization and popularization activities on the ACRWC, for various groups of people, including, civil society organizations, teachers and students, as well as community leaders.
  • On the Day of the African Child 2021, it organized a campaign to popularize “Agenda 2040 for an Africa fit for children”, in collaboration with CSOs and other stakeholders, in order for them to take ownership of the document and support its implementation.
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