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The National Commission of Human Rights of Rwanda (NCHR) | The Commission has no internal structure on children’s rights, but it implements a community-based approach to child rights. It has setup a Child Rights Observatory that promotes and monitors the respect for children’s rights in the community. No specific budget for children’s rights. The budget for Children is included in the budget of all Units (Protection, Promotion and NPM) The Commission obtained an affiliate status before the Committee. It also produced an assessment report on the implementation of the Concluding Recommendations on Rwanda’s second to fourth periodic reports on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) in 2018.
The NCHR involves children in its work. Children are represented in the committees of volunteers for child rights from Cell Level to National Level. In these committees, children participate in providing information that helps the NCHR in conducting investigations on the child rights violations. In Rwanda, the NCHR, through the Observatory of Children’s Rights, organises an annual national-level meeting with law enforcement agencies, civil society organisations and line Ministries responsible for children’s rights. The purpose of the meeting is to assess the current situation of children’s rights to prevent violations of the child`s rights. The NCHR participates in awareness campaigns on children’s rights, including training of local authorities, security agents, prosecutors, police stations authorities, Rwanda Armed Forces, journalists, judges, students and teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools; leaders of different religious groups, media, specific groups (Persons with disabilities, Women, Children, etc.), as well as representatives of non-governmental organisations responsible for promoting and protecting children’s rights. The NCHR collaborates with UNICEF, the Ministry of Gender, the National Child Development Agency, and the Civil Society Organisations in conducting thematic assessments of child rights implementation.
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