Press Release: Workshop on the implementation of decisions and recommendations of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/Committee) with NHRIs and CSOs, 23-24 February, Nairobi, Kenya

Press Release: Workshop on the implementation of decisions and recommendations of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/Committee) with NHRIs and CSOs, 23-24 February, Nairobi, Kenya

NHRIs Workshop

Workshop on the implementation of decisions and recommendations of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/Committee) with NHRIs and CSOs, 23-24 February, Nairobi, Kenya

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (Committee) organized a Workshop on the Implementation of Decisions and Recommendations with NHRIs and CSOs on 23-24 February, in Nairobi Kenya.

The Workshop was attended by 22 NHRIs, including NHRIs that have affiliate Status before the Committee and NHRIs from countries to which the Committee has issued
decisions. Moreover, the Workshop had the representation from Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRIs), the CSO Forum as well as the 5
regional CSO networks on children’s rights. The Workshop was graced with the participation of the Vice Chairperson of the Committee, Hon. Anne Musiwa, and the
Rapporteur of the Committee and Chairperson of the Working Group on Implementation of Decisions, Hon. Aboubekrine El Jera. The Workshop was organized in close collaboration with NANHRI, which is the umbrella regional network for NHRIs in Africa.

The Workshop included various presentations and panel discussions including presentations on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the
mandate of the Committee, on the Guidelines on Granting Affiliate Status to NHRIs, on the sources of decisions and recommendations of the Committee and the
modalities of monitoring implementation of decisions and recommendations, and on the role of NANHRI in increasing the visibility of Committee among NHRIs and
organizing the NHRIs Forum. The workshop offered an opportunity to familiarize participants about the ongoing studies of the Committee and to collect further inputs,
namely on the report of the Mapping of NHRIs Structures and Functions on Child Protection and the Study on the Implementation of Decisions. Moreover, the
workshop allowed NHRIs to share their experiences on working with the Committee as well as engaging children’s issues in their undertakings, and to provide update on
the status of the implementation of decisions that were issues to their respective Governments.

The workshop offered an opportunity to increase awareness about the mandate and activities of the Committee as well as encouraging NHRIs and CSOs to work with the
Committee. Some of the main recommendations and action points that came out from the discussions include:

  • For NHRIs to further apply for affiliate status before the Committee, and those that have affiliate status to actively engage the mandates of the Committee by submitting alternative reports and briefings to the Committee, encouraging their Governments to submit State Party reports to the Committee, and monitor the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Committee,
  • For NHRIs to establish and strengthen child rights structures within their institutions,
  • For NANHRs to increase awareness about the Committee encourage NHRIs  to apply for affiliate status, and work closely with the Committee, and to organize NHRIs Forum to complement the mandate of the Committee,
  • For CSOs to apply for observer status and effectively work closely with the Committee beyond the State Party reporting procedure,
  • For NHRIs and CSOs to work together both at national and regional level to ensure better protection of children’s rights as well as the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Committee.

The Committee takes note of the actions that should further be taken within its mandate including increasing its engagement with NHRIs, effectively communicating
its decisions and recommendations with the respective NHRIs, and developing the required Guidelines to facilitate the engagement of NHRIs including the development of Guidelines for the Alternative Reports of NHRIs with affiliate status.

The Committee will develop a detailed report of the Workshop which will be made available on the website.

Feb 24 2023