Commuique on Follow-up Mission on Concluding Observations in Guinea

Commuique on Follow-up Mission on Concluding Observations in Guinea

Commuique on Follow-up Mission on Concluding Observations in Guinea

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child will undertake a follow-up mission in the Republic of Guineafrom 25 to 27 September 2019. The mission to be held in Conakry follows consideration of the Initial Report of the Republic of Guinea, and aims to ascertain on the ground the effectiveness of the measures taken by the Government and the other Stakeholders to implement the provisions of the Charter, and to assess the efforts made by the the Government in the implementation of the Concluding Observations and Recommendations made by the Committee to the State Party concerned, when considering its report in October 2014.

The Committee performs this type of mission at least 2 years after the consideration of the State Party Report. The Committee will meet stakeholders during various workshops to gather relevant information and the different partners’ views on the situation of children in the country (successes, failures, challenges, perspectives …).

Sep 23 2019