Nigeria-National Human Rights Commission (NHRC

Agency/Organization Name
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC
Member State
Child Rights Structures

Amongst its administrative structures, the Commission has one Department for Women, Children and Vulnerable Groups. One of its focal areas is Child Rights as guaranteed in the Child Rights Act (2003) which has been adopted by 24 out of 36 States in Nigeria.

Budget for Children Rights

No specific budget for children’s rights. It is part of the general budget

Engagement with ACERWC

The Commission has affiliate status before the Committee.

Engagement with NANHRI
  • Member of NANHRI
  • Participates in NANHRI’s activities
Engagement of Children

The Human Rights Education department involves students in its activities, through, for example:

  • Formation of human rights clubs in secondary schools.
  • Sensitization workshops for children on rights matters in schools.
  • Organising inter-school debate competitions.
Collaboration with Child Focused Agencies
  • UNICEF Nigeria
  • Action Aid Nigeria
  • Save the Children Nigeria
Role of NHRIs on promotion and protection of children’s rights

In Nigeria, the Charter is domesticated in 2003 through the enactment of the Child’s Rights Act, which has not yet been adopted by all states. The Commission did not expound much on its specific work on the ACRWC. Moreover, there is no robust child rights programming within the NHRC, but the Women and Children’s department addresses issues of the rights to survival and development, education and the right to participation of children through its complaint handling processes.